They say small babies are harder to birth.
They say babies born 6 weeks early will most likely require time spent in NICU.
They say babies haven’t developed the sucking reflex at 34 weeks.
They thought his lungs may be weak.
They thought he’d be a Cali baby.
They thought he’d be born on the other side of the country, far away from family.
They thought he’d be born late.
They were all wrong. But Ames, everything about you is so right and perfect.
Less than 2 weeks ago we were on our way home from Grace’s baby shower in Georgia. I had never been so emotional leaving before. Stefen kept asking me to talk about it and I couldn’t explain. It just felt very wrong this time. We planned to drive to California around New year’s and hang out for a few weeks or so, as to not miss Ames’ birth, but realizing I may very well miss it was a hard thought to swallow. The thought that didn’t cross my mind: that Grace would call later that night – when we were an hour from home – to say her water broke. It didn’t cross my mind that we’d be driving back to GA just 5 days after we left, or that I’d soon be standing next to my sister watching her flawlessly birth her boy in less than 10 minutes, or witness him shoot out in one push – something I’ve never seen before – some would say, “like a cannon”.
The past few days and weeks have been stressful and exhausting, but those feelings are just a speck of dust in comparison to the joy and love and pride I have felt for those I love.
There are plenty of things that I could be frustrated with or mad about in life. But for now I’m dwelling on all the good. Because there’s a lot of that as well.
Grace & Donny, I am so grateful to have had even the smallest part in Ames’ life so far, and for all the memories made over this past week. Thank you for allowing me to team up with you both and letting me in on those tireless but oh so beautiful first sleepless nights.

Thank you for loving our kids so much and letting them love on yours so much.

To read the full story from the man on the scene before me, aka the Dad, click here.