Maternity Photo Shoot!
My sister, Lindy, who also happens to be a professional photographer was able to pencil us in for a photo shoot a few weeks before Blake is due. The day of the shoot I was trying to get a lot done around the house; cleaning, get stuff ready for the shoot, etc. Because of that,…
Our Baby Has A First (& Middle) Name, It’s..
With (approx.) 7 weeks to go Stefen & I have finally agreed on a name for our boy! He will no longer just be “baby Phelps”. Introducing…. Tanya recently tried to surprise me by setting up an appointment for a 3d ultrasound but, I’m hard to surprise so she just told me she was doing…
3rd Tri is Go!
This is a summary of the last few months aka my second trimester. Baby: Heart rate: 138-148 Length measured in the 89th percentile at last ultrasound Measuring perfect and right on time with everything else. Movement: I think I started feeling the baby at 17 weeks. Stefen felt baby move for the first time at 22…
It’s a….
We had our “20 week” ultrasound on Tuesday June 18th. My mom, (sisters) Lindy, Tanya, Amber, (niece) Genesis, and (nephew) Andrew joined Stefen and myself for the appointment. Stefen & I went in for my regular check up; weight, blood pressure, etc. After that they took us in another room to do the ultrasound. It…
I (Kara) want a…
Boy or Girl?
The families’ votes are tallied.. Stefen: boy Kara: girl Adam: boy Amber: girl Luke: girl Tiffany: boy Tanya: girl Jason: girl Noah: girl Lindy: boy Guy: girl Genesis: girl Jude: boy Zane: boy Melena: girl Mom: girl Dad: girl Seth: boy Grace: girl Donovon: boy Stuart: boy Lisa: boy Don: boy What is your vote? …
1 Trimester down, 2 to go.
Here’s a summary of my first 12 weeks with a baby inside me. It’s a few weeks late, but I can blame the pregnancy brain, right? Baby: Healthy and right on track in size. Strong, fast heart beat of 164 Movement: tons (according to midwife, I haven’t felt anything yet) Baby bump: not visible yet,…
Baby Makes Me Sick
I am trying not to dwell on the sickness that comes with having something grow inside of me by not being negative, posting about how many times I puke a day, or how I miss making dinner for Stefen when he comes home. But I am going to make a post about it, just this…
Announcing To Our Family
Before I was pregnant I always said I was going to wait until I was 4 or 5 months along to tell everyone. I’m really good at keeping secrets so I figured it wouldn’t be that hard. Well I guess this is one of those things that you just don’t understand until you’re in the…
Foster Care
As some may know Stefen & I have been thinking about foster care for a while now, and started seriously looking into it in the past year. We officially decided we wanted to be foster parents last year and have been in that process since. Everything has been working out perfect with it, down to…